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And now… time for 'Flash' enhanced poetry.

Born Magazine hosts these selections: Spring in Paris and Technology.



In AMERICA, you verb object!

This amended discourse on the grammar rules and topic relevance of Yakov Smirnoff jokes made me laugh out loud. – all names are replaced with “#####”

2 - Posted on Mar 21, 2005 at 9:07 AM by ####### Reply ####? i <3

6 - Posted on
Mar 21, 2005 at 11:33 AM by ###### Reply In Soviet Russia Po Go's you
7 - Posted on
Mar 21, 2005 at 12:38 PM by ###### Reply ALL
You people are TERRIBLE at these things...
"In Soviet Russia Po Go's You"
That makes NO sense... Yakov's jokes at least make sense. Most of you idiots prob. don't even know who Yakov is... STOP THE SOVIET
RUSSIA JOKES... its moronic...
8 - Posted on
Mar 21, 2005 at 12:41 PM by ##### Reply #7 -- In Soviet Russia, joke stops you!!!

Sorry, I could not resist (and at least that makes more sense that #6's
russia joke)! ;) Blank
9 - Posted on
Mar 21, 2005 at 1:25 PM by ####### Reply Smirnoff....mmmm That reminds me I need some more Vodka.

In Soviet Russia #7 Smirnoff's you! Blank
10 - Posted on
Mar 21, 2005 at 1:28 PM by ####### Reply *sigh* we need a grammar lesson before SOME of us are allowed to continue with the Soviet Russia jokes.
Rule #1: subject-object concordance. If "you eat p****" ["let them eat p****"] [direct object], then in soviet
russia, "p**** eats you!" [direct object].

If you can't switch them and have it make any sense, don't do it! Or if you get phrasal verbs: "run over, run into, run down...." make sure they can 1.TAKE an object, 2.be reversed without pitifully restructuring the verb.

Carry On

so kids, play it safe. ;)


06-24-2005, 08:25 PM

What are you talking about?


06-24-2005, 08:27 PM

That was cheesy; Stalin's probably rolling in his grade, and the KGB is most likely on their way to get you for that comment.


06-24-2005, 08:44 PM

Why would Stalin roll in his grave, when it is obviously Yakov Smirnoff who should be suing for copyright infringement?

But then again, in SOVIET RUSSIA, lawsuits bring you!


06-24-2005, 08:49 PM

you guys don't know about the "in soviet russia" online object verb order?



06-24-2005, 08:53 PM

geek jokes are not funny thank you


06-24-2005, 09:12 PM

you guys don't know about the "in soviet russia" online object verb order?

What online object verb order? Just a tired one-liner by a tired comedian.


06-24-2005, 09:15 PM

well then. i guess now we sit and cry. sniff.


06-24-2005, 11:06 PM

######: In the USSR, a test like the SAT determined if you beecame a doctor or a factory worker. Even worse, it was a one shot deal.

uhh no... it's a common joke... in
america A (verb) B... in soviet russia B (verb) A


06-24-2005, 11:08 PM

A common rage joke...

America...You work for your money. In Soviet Russia..WE HAVE NO MONEY!


06-25-2005, 12:16 AM

Quote: #####: In the USSR, a test like the SAT determined if you beecame a doctor or a factory worker. Even worse, it was a one shot deal.

That's a very simplistic and 1960's-esque overgeneralization. Besides, you could say that same thing about the American system. I doubt someone with a 400 in each section will see the day where the letters MD follow his name...

Not to mention that you obviously did not catch the reference to that crappy Russian comedian who I thankfully haven't had the misfortune to see for years.


06-25-2005, 02:35 AM

If you don't get it, don't worry. Its just a joke.


06-25-2005, 06:44 AM
Quote: "it was a one shot deal."

humm...no, it wasn't like that. There were usually many different factors which ultimately determined one's fate - wheater he/she would become a doctor or a worker. For example, some people weren't allowed to obtain higher education just because of their parents....father had fought on the German side, former intellectual elite, really rich family etc.


06-25-2005, 10:30 AM

Hmm... about the SAT influencing your career, my dad got like a 1050 and became a doctor, and my mom got somewhere like an 1100 and got a doctorate in biochemistry, so really, it doesn't mean anything.


06-25-2005, 10:32 AM

only in ammmmmmerica.........*with music*


06-25-2005, 10:41 AM


nvm, it's a joke in the online programming community

AMERICA, you verb object!

IN SOVIET RUSSIA object verb you!


Quotes from the message boards of Geekdom: Friday’s Favorites

These selections are copied from a miscellany of tech sites and gaming forums. Enter with caution.

1. In soviet Russia Family Guy watches you!

2. [Anonymous New Line Cinema Lawyer: "Peter Jackson is an incredible filmmaker who did the impossible on 'Lord of the Rings,' " this lawyer said. "But there's a certain piggishness involved here. New Line already gave him enough money to rebuild Baghdad, but it's still not enough for him."

Response: “So let me get this straight.... he doesn't deserve what the contract you signed with him says ‘New Line’ because he can already choke all the world’s hippos with his cash?”]

3. The thing is a lot of these idiots wouldn't know 'info', even if they had 'INFO' tattooed into their foreheads with a fluorescent pink jackhammer

4. Any mother****er that writes AI for birds has got 5 outta 5 chainsaws in my lunatics guide to bada** mutha ****as.

5. Well you see Arthur, we're a constitutional monarchy now. No you can't do much but you get to wear this neat hat… KING ARTHUR EXILED TO CASTLE GREYSKULL