
Quotes from the message boards of Geekdom: Friday’s Favorites

These selections are copied from a miscellany of tech sites and gaming forums. Enter with caution.

1. In soviet Russia Family Guy watches you!

2. [Anonymous New Line Cinema Lawyer: "Peter Jackson is an incredible filmmaker who did the impossible on 'Lord of the Rings,' " this lawyer said. "But there's a certain piggishness involved here. New Line already gave him enough money to rebuild Baghdad, but it's still not enough for him."

Response: “So let me get this straight.... he doesn't deserve what the contract you signed with him says ‘New Line’ because he can already choke all the world’s hippos with his cash?”]

3. The thing is a lot of these idiots wouldn't know 'info', even if they had 'INFO' tattooed into their foreheads with a fluorescent pink jackhammer

4. Any mother****er that writes AI for birds has got 5 outta 5 chainsaws in my lunatics guide to bada** mutha ****as.

5. Well you see Arthur, we're a constitutional monarchy now. No you can't do much but you get to wear this neat hat… KING ARTHUR EXILED TO CASTLE GREYSKULL

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