
Illustration Friday: Detail of rough draft

Peter the Pan - face detail

Illustration Friday: Dreams

Ink sketch with Photoshop layers and lens flare - This is the unfinished rough... no time to get too serious... but it was fun! I hope you like it.


New linkage - see Impertinence

on the sidebar.

Tunes Tuesday... Kings Of Convenience

I saw these guys with some good friends on a cold night last winter. Feist was the opening act, making the whole show really solid. The small venue and the Boulder atmosphere made for a fun night... the music was really awesome. Check out both bands - KoC / Feist. Mushaboom is a really catchy tune by Feist (the video is on the site). Also, take a look at this KoC fan site for some live sessions available for download (free).


Hollywood faces more empty seats: Bad movies = bad sales

This New York Times article taps in on the frequent “floppage” of this summer’s anticipated hits. This seems like a long time coming... I have read so much about decreasing sales in Hollywood recently. The funny part is listening to all the absurd reasons they have for people not going to the Cineplex. What does it really come down to? Well, the movies are getting worse and worse. This summer has had the worst movies since, well, last summer (which also sucked). So why are ticket sales dropping? Is it because the gas prices are too high to drive a mile and a half to the theatre? No. It is because there is so much good TV on these days? Obviously not. Is it the fault of “teh interweb!!11!?” Sorry, but no. I tell you, it is the craptakular selection, the cut and paste passionless films, the “star studded” heartless attempts at creativity. I think I have seen 2 movies at the theatre all summer, and I really like to go to the theatre. It is high time that Hollywood take ownership of the foulness of their film-making. For more reading and discussion click through to the Arstechnica article.

Here’s to hoping that the Brothers Grimm will be as wonderful as I imagine it can be! See the Film’s website Here. Check the incoming reviews Here.


WAC Monday did not happen

no artwork was sent to me. shame.

David Shrigley - great stuff

we sing and dance and steal things - David Shrigley illustration
see his art @ http://www.davidshrigley.com/

From sketchbook

Things from Olivia # 1


Banksy’s Street Art & Museum Drops

PapaRATzzi-at-the-Ritz. Street art and graffiti are taking back the street one wall at a time. Banksy is more phenomenon than person: reinterpreting fine art, expanding the impact of street art, creating meaningful imagery in prominent spaces everywhere. Get into Banksy’s site and become fascinated. http://www.banksy.co.uk/menu.html


Today's Second Serving. Tim Deluxe music video

"Welcome back to the grand finale in Best in Breed. Sponsored by, Chunks Deluxe..."

To make sense of this post click HERE. Warning, clicking the link will result in the viewing of a slightly obscene, nearly hilarious, and very clever music video.

Tuesday Tunes... on Friday?

The Rurals are The Wonderment's featured flavor of the week. The countryside of Devonshire is the surprising home of The Rurals uniquely soulful and jazzy deep-house arrangements. The music is clean and lifting like a breezy summer day (perfect for a long drive, house cleaning, gathering of friends). My favorite album thus far is "Emotional Feelings" which showcases the beautiful vocals of Marie Tweek. See the map of Devonshire below, created by Richard Blome circa 1673, for a sense of place. Further reward your senses by entering The Rurals website and the quality linkage therein.

p.s. The band hosts full sets mixed to order for the price of FREE. Find Andy Compton's 100.2MB "Floppy Disco mix" near the right side of the page. Enjoy and revisit.


W.A.C. Monday aka "Wonderment Art Contest" - Topic: Marvel


-All mediums and processes accepted.

-Send an email with the link (or url) to your website to wacmonday@yahoo.com (To link- simply post your image on your website and email the site address to me by Monday 8/15/05). If you do not have a website or blog you can get one free at Blogger.com <-free and fast.

-Images should be your interpretation of the weeks theme

-Everyone is welcome to compete

-Top submissions will receive some face time on The Wonderment. Winners also get bragging rights in our strong but young art community.

I’d like to see you get ‘all up ons’ this week’s topic. This week's topic is: Marvel.

As my newest friend would say: “Bring it son!”

Threadless Entry (VOTE NOW)

Check the new link on the sidebar. It takes you to my design at Threadless.com. Once there you can register and vote for my design (if you think it worthy). Voting last only 5 more days - tell the whole family! Best wishes.



Block Party aka Lego Fun

Blasphemy with Lego: See The Brick Testament

Classic Comedy with Lego: View This

Comic Book Action with Lego: Click This


Tunes Tuesday

Band of choice: Pink Martini

The website includes a web-radio: listen and enjoy.

Clever street art meet Pericles.

First I walked past the bust of the Athenian statesman Pericles. The sculpture is used here to advertise the exhibition in Berlin.

Walking a bit further I see this fine enhancement...